Once you use a moment of your time there is no getting it back. Every decision you make is a life changing decision whether you know it or not. Spending a lot of time on decisions that seem to be extremely important is fine, but don't forget that even the decision to take a certain route to school can be life threatening. Think of your time as money and figure out whether or not you can afford to spend another moment on self hate, self pity, impatience, etc. I choose to avoid spending another second on emotions like envy and selfishness because unlike money, I can never know which second is my last.
My Daily challenge to you:
Today I challenge you to be more aware of the time you are using. When you have a less than pleasant experience, which we are all destined to have, evaluate whether or not you can afford to use your time on being negative about it. Capitalize your time by choosing exactly how you want to feel, regardless of what happens to you. Many people in you life have invested in your happiness, so when you waste your own time you're wasting theirs too.
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